Special Needs Prom
7:00 PM19:00

Special Needs Prom

Join Friends for Special Needs at the NASCAR Hall of Fame for a night to remember!

Attire: dresses for the ladies and ties for the men.

Each of our special needs friends can bring one guest – either a date or a parent. Group Homes can bring 2 caregivers.

Enjoy a movie in the theatre, explore the exhibits in the Hall of Honor, and enjoy activities and exhibits in InSide NASCAR!

Reception with food in the Great Hall

To register: Email srawls@sfrsales.com. Include the name of special needs friend and their guest, and for group homes also include the names of both caregivers. Please include your t-shirt size!

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Christmas Event at the Barn
3:00 PM15:00

Christmas Event at the Barn

We have a Christmas event planned for December 10th at the historic Dairy Barn in Fort Mill, SC.

There are 2 seatings: 3:00 to 5:00 (full) OR 5:30 to 7:30 (a few remaining seats).

This is an indoor event and is heated, so it will take place rain or shine.

To register e-mail srawls@sfrsales.com.

We will have a short Christmas program upstairs in the loft. Then we will go downstairs and enjoy a holiday dinner consisting of chicken, ham, mac&cheese, green beans, rolls, etc. There will be booths for you to visit, including prayer booth and a photo booth, and many give-a-ways for our special needs friends. Stop by and pick up your tote Bags Booth and your Target Gift Card, light up Christmas necklace, FREE copy of the Bible (if you have never received one from us), men’s and women’s socks, Chapstick, a copy of the Christmas story, toothbrush and paste, deodorant, a big chocolate candy cane, hand lotion, and hand sanitizer. Also, Get a cookie and enjoy some hot cider. And get your picture made with Santa Claus!

Stan and Donna Rawls

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Big Sunday!
4:00 PM16:00

Big Sunday!

Register now for our big event!

We are including all of our special friends in York and Mecklenburg counties. Dress is casual for the summer. We will have a devotion, a band (Jacob Hare and Friends), dinner (includes hamburgers or hotdog plus sides, prepackaged and passed out to everyone in styrofoam containers), photo booth and some giveaways. We will also have games where you can win prizes (basketball shot, pick up a duck, ring toss, go fish, spin the wheel etc). And we’ll have a ticket for our special needs friends to get something sweet at the Donut I Love U (mini donut truck on wheels)!

We have 100 volunteers scheduled to help us out!

Each of our “special friends” can bring their parents or a date, though we encourage our parents to use this as a night out and time of respite. Each group home can bring 2 caregivers.

To sign up, e-mail srawls@sfrsales.com the names of those planning to attend, meal orders (hamburger or hotdog), and t-shirt sizes for each of our special needs friends (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2-XL, and 3-X) as soon as possible.

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Friends for Special Needs Spring Barn Dance and Party
3:00 PM15:00

Friends for Special Needs Spring Barn Dance and Party

  • Dairy Barn at the Anne Springs Close Greenway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come celebrate Easter with us! Fun…Fellowship…Friendship…Casual attire

We would love to have you join us! If you have an interest, please contact us at 704-617-3163 or send us note through the contact page. To register: Please send us the names of the Special needs, parents and caregivers that will be attending and an emergency contact number. We have limited space available!

You will not want to miss this event! You’ll receive an illustrated Bible (our gift to you). We will talk about the true meaning of Easter and the resurrection of Christ. We’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt with special prizes, a live band and plenty of dancing, tractor rides and more. We’ll serve hamburgers, hotdogs and the trimmings. And we’ll have plenty of volunteers!

Event day check-in starts at 2:15 pm

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3:00 PM15:00

FSN Barn Dance and Party!

Invitation to our Special Friends, Parents and Caregivers:
You will not want to miss this event! This may be our best event to date!

To sign up:
Please email Stan at
srawls@sfrsales.com the names of the special needs, parents and caregivers that will be attending and an emergency contact number. We have limited space available!

Fun…Fellowship…Friendship…Casual attire

We will serve hamburgers, hotdogs and the trimmings! We will talk about the true meaning of Easter: the resurrection of Christ. There will be a DJ and lots of dancing!

We will have plenty of volunteers and nurses on site in case of an emergency.

Registration starts at 2:15 pm at the event.


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12:00 AM00:00

Christmas Party!

Mark this date on your calendar! The departure time and more details to follow!

3 chartered buses will take us out to Lowes Motor Speedway to see the Christmas lights…The buses will stop at the Speedway Club where we will have a Christmas dinner…Christmas music and entertainment…And maybe Santa Claus will come by!

We will have plenty of volunteers! We will have nurses on site in case of an emergency!!!

An e-mail telling you how to register will be coming out in the next several weeks.

Stan Rawls 704-617-3163 or Donna Rawls 704-575-7818

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6:30 PM18:30

Parents Night Out!

  • South Charlotte Banquet Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parents and Caregivers this is your night out! Leave your Special Friends with us while you have a much deserved evening out on the town. While you’re out, our special needs friends will enjoy a band, talent competition and other activities.

To sign up:
E-mail Stan—srawls@sfrsales.com—the names of your special needs that will be attending and an emergency contact number.

Where: South Charlotte Banquet Center
9009 Bryant Farms Road, Charlotte, NC 28277 

What: Fun. Fellowship. Friendship.
Wear your favorite Sports Team T-Shirt or Jersey.
We will serve Pizza!
We will have a DJ with a dance floor!
We will have a Photo Booth, and you can take your photo home with you!
And we will have plenty of volunteers and nurses on site in case of an emergency!!!

Registration: starts at 6:00 pm at the event

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2:00 PM14:00

Movie Day

  • Stonecrest At Piper Glen Stadium 22 & IMAX (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Incredibles 2. (2D) — SOLD OUT!

Registration starts at 1:15pm
Auditorium access starts at 1:30pm
Movie starts at 2:00pm

Stonecrest At Piper Glen Stadium 22 & IMAX
7824 Rea Road, Charlotte NC 28277

Your invitation includes a FREE ticket and a FREE concession.
You can bring one parent, friend, or caregiver per person

To secure your spot e-mail Stan Rawls stan@friendsforspecialneedsnc.org.

Friends for Special Needs Movie Day January 27th 2018 017.jpg
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8:00 AM08:00

Zoo Excursion

Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia.

UPDATE: We have a fun and adventurous day planned! This is an all day event. Please make sure your Special Needs person is up for the challenge!

Registration will begin at 7:15am in the Carmel Baptist Church parking lot (near the softball fields) for you to check in, etc. Tickets to the Zoo will be given out on the bus.

We will have 3 buses for our Special Friends, parents, caregivers and volunteers. The buses will leave at 8:15am. We hope to arrive at the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC, around 10:00-10:15am. We will have some fun things to do on the bus ride. Each bus will have a nurse in case of an emergency and waters available to keep everyone hydrated.

Enjoy the Zoo until 12:00pm. We will have lunch in the Ndoki Lodge at the Zoo from 12:00-2:00pm. This is a flexible 2 hours! You can come and go… However, there will be a group photo at 1:00pm during lunch. You don’t want to miss this! Our lunch will include burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, bbq beans, cookies, tea and lemonade.

Enjoy the Zoo until 3:00pm. Buses will leave the Zoo parking lot at 3:30pm. We hope to arrive back in Charlotte around 5:15-5:30pm.

This event is sold out, and we have a waiting list. Please let us know in advance if you cannot come (unless it is an emergency) so we can invite someone from the waiting list.


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